Entry Division
Paige Black

Paige is in her first year at the University of Windsor in an“Undeclared Major”. This will be her fourth year competing on the team! She’s been riding for 18 years! This summer she was able to show some local combined and hunter shows with her mare Janne! She’s looking forward to another year with the Windsor Team #LetsGooooo
Camryn Iverson

Camryn is in her first year at St Clair College for Pre-Health Sciences, as well as her first year on the team! She has been riding for 4 years, and showing for 2. Camryn rides a horse named Tuvok and competes in the Jumper divisions! She is looking forward to gain more showing experiences with the team! #WootWoot
Rebecca Inglis

Rebecca is in her first year of Practical Nursing at St. Clair College, as well as her first year on the team! She has been riding for 9 years! Rebecca competes in the hunters, and English/Western dressage. She is also on the Western Drill Team: The Sliver Stars, run by Lazee G Ranch here in Essex! She is ready to bleed blue & yellow!! #SoExcited
Mackenzie Betteridge

Mackenzie is in her first year of Biochemistry at the University of Windsor and this will be her first year on the team! She has been riding for over 12 years in dressage, hunter, and jumper rings. Mackenzie is from Windsor and rides at Dreamview stables with an OTTB named Izzy!! Over the years she has had the opportunity to show locally and earn show high points, division champions, and more. She’s very excited to start a new chapter with the uwindsor equestrian team #LoveIt
Jenna Barton

- Jenna is in her first year of Business at the University of Windsor, as well as this is her first year on the team! She has been riding for the past 7 years, and has been showing for the past 3 years in her hometown of Owen Sound. Jenna is super excited to compete on the OCEA circuit and can't wait to make some memories! #yaaasss
Kaylee Pillon

Kaylee is in her first year of Social Work & Disability Studies at the University of Windsor, a student transfer from the University of Saskatchewan. This will also be Kaylee's first year on the team! She has been riding for 6 years and is SO excited to strut her stuff with the team this year! #Yaaasss
Mac ingram

Mac is in her first year of Concurrent Education-English at the University of Windsor. This is also her first year on the team! She is originally from Mississauga and has been riding for around 11 years with her horse Aaradon located in Burlington! Mac came to Windsor with the goal of showing with the Windsor Equestrian Team!! She is SO excited and ready for the show season! #LoveIt
Kendra McLarty

Kendra is in her first year of Criminology at the University of Windsor. This will also be her first year on the team! She has been riding for 10 years and owns a Standardbred Mare named Mimi Tutu that she has trained herself. Kendra is with the team this year! #WooHoo